This Grilling Scene is a Thousand Oaks backyard entertainment delight. The outdoor kitchen features both a grill and dome grill smoker, bistro lights, and seating surrounding the custom cast concrete countertop bar and polished glass and abalone seashell countertop. The reflective quality of the abalone seashell embeds add a colorful luminescence. The crisp white patio cover outfitted with a ceiling fan, so it’s the coolest space to escape to on a hot day.

The secret to great outdoor entertaining is to incorporate multiple outdoor rooms in the space. Right beside the outdoor kitchen is a sleek contemporary pool with a baja shelf and large built-in pool table. An all-tile spa spills into the pool and sheer descent water features create a soothing ambiance. A large fire pit with built in cast concrete seating adds to the cozy atmosphere, and lush greenery is the perfect finishing touch.

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