Worth Their Weight in Water

As the drought in the United States worsens and spreads throughout most of the Southwest, more and more counties and municipalities are implementing, or currently weighing, restrictions on swimming pools. It happens every time we enter periods of extended drought, pools are on the regulatory chopping block, and the “rationale” is always the same.

Making Fast Friends: Bonding with Clients Through Neuro-Linguistic Programming

As a preview of his PSP-Expo session to be held next month, Designer Scott Cohen explains how to establish quick rapport with clients.

Forming a Unified Front Against Drought

Read up on 5 things you can do to help minimize water usage restrictions during a drought.

Aqua Magazine

Read about the pool industry’s challenges during the material shortage that has been fueled the the ongoing pandemic.

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If you’re ready to explore our design/build services for your outdoor living / water-shaping project, call now to reserve a consultation with our designer. You can call us at (800) 675-5296. Or if you prefer, fill out this form:

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