Expert Witness

Scott Cohen is available for Swimming Pool and Landscape Expert Witness Services

  • Landscape Construction Defect Consultations
    Cohen is considered an industry expert and has qualified as an expert witness in trials, arbitrations and mediations. Cohen works regularly as a construction defect expert witness for attorneys, contractors, insurance companies and homeowners.
  • Consultations
  • Contractors State License Board Industry Expert Investigations
  • Insurance Claim Consultations
    • Cost to Correct
    • Earthquake Damage

“Scott, Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this file! We would never have gotten the case resolved absent your thorough and detailed analysis of the facts and evidence in this case. I have no doubt that you would have made a phenomenal trial witness had we gotten that far. Your attention to detail and pleasant demeanor would have been well received in court and would have probably had the defense begging for mercy! Looking forward to our next case together soon!”

Are you having problems with your contractor?

Construction industry expert Scott Cohen can serve as your expert witness consultant for construction defects. Cohen is an absolute champion for integrity in the construction trade, and works regularly performing onsite inspections and testimony. (For inspections, allow a minimum of one hour for each item on your list.) Please see topic list further below for specific areas of expertise.

Lessons Learned

Construction Defect Inspections: $350 per hour

Expert Witness Testimony: $400 per hour, $1600 minimum ($4000 retainer required)

Travel expenses: @ $.85 mile + hotel and any other applicable travel reimbursement applies.

He has experience testifying in the following categories:

Swimming Pools and Spas: gunite construction, leaks, heaves, popped pool shell, plaster, Pebbletec, colored plaster, design configuration, plastering, plaster delaminating, beach entries, steel placement, tile work, plumbing, coping, waterproofing, water migration, drainage, water slides and pool slides, concrete, heaved concrete, colored concrete, cracks in concrete, mastic joints, raised bond beams, sheer descents, laminar jets, deck jets, swimming pool covers, lighting and electrical, hydrostatic relief, salt system problems. Infinity edge and vanishing edge pools.  Glass tile failures.

Landscaping and Design specifications: plans and take-offs, computer aided design, patio sizing, setbacks, irrigation systems, sprinklers, drainage, French drains, hydro-static relief drains, grading, retaining walls, seat walls, bender board, planting, rototilling, amendment, fertilization, maintenance practice, fine-grading, low-voltage lighting, transformers, lighting wiring, expansive soil, clay soil, voltage drop, seeding and sod.

Ponds & Waterfalls: ponds, waterfalls, Aquascape systems, biological filtration, stagnant water, filtration, skimmer placement, plumbing, electrical, pond maintenance, leaks, excessive splash, rock selection, liners, and underlayment.

Hardscape: Patio sizing and placement, concrete, concrete cracks, score joints, stamped concrete finishing, colored concrete, concrete coping, cast concrete, concrete steps, footings, retaining walls, seat walls, swimming pool decking, delaminating, pop-outs, efflorescence, drainage, sheet flow, water intrusion, weep screed, pavers, stucco, pilasters, lighting, conduits, concrete counter-tops, fire-pits, gas plumbing, plan take-offs, accurate dimensions, decorative concrete.

Outdoor Fireplaces and Fire Pits: fire pits, gas plumbing, smoke draw, outdoor fireplace construction, public safety, gas burners, burn victims

Cohen’s Forensic Practices Assurances:

  • Cohen will formulate and articulate his opinions with truthfulness and clarity.
  • Cohen will provide opinions only on subjects where he is qualified and which are based on known facts that can be proven.
  • Cohen will accurately track and report time and services provided. Cohen’s opinions may be subject to modification as a result of new information.
  • Cohen will examine all documents supplied by client in a timely manner.
  • Cohen will work overtime if case is urgent.
  • Cohen is under no duty to provide opinions if given insufficient time or compensation to complete a thoughtful examination of the case.
  • Cohen will provide opinions that are not inevitable and may be different than the client’s opinions.
  • Cohen will notify client immediately if conflicts of interest are revealed that may prohibit further involvement of his services.
  • Cohen may stop work if past due invoices are not paid.
  • Cohen will provide reasonable cost of project repair based on evidence provided.

Reserve Your Designer Now!

If you’re ready to explore our design/build services for your outdoor living / water-shaping project, call now to reserve a consultation with our designer. You can call us at (800) 675-5296. Or if you prefer, fill out this form:

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